How do you say...?


Have you ever been on vacation where they speak a different language? If you answered yes then you've probably had one of those awkward exchanges where you're trying to ask for directions somewhere and the native person is looking at you with the "I have no idea what the hell you are talking about face".

At least he's smiling. This conversation, while still awkward, can go a little smoother if you know some basic words in the language. For example, "please" and "thank you" are great words to know when traveling. When you attempt to speak someone's language you're at least showing that you're willing to meet them where they are. When you expect people to speak your language....well that's just a dick move. The gym is no different.

One of the hardest parts about being a fitness beginner is the language barrier. People who are into health and fitness speak a different language. They speak the language of the gym. The words come from the english language but they often have very different meanings than what you’re used to.

With that being I’m going to define some of the common words and phrases that you’ll hear in the gym to help you become fluent in gym speak.

  • SETS: refers to the number of rounds you plan to do of a particular exercise or group of exercises
  • REPS: short for “repetitions”. Refers to the number of times you plan to repeat each movement/exercise in a set.

Example: I’m doing squats for 3 sets of 10 reps.

Meaning: I doing 3 rounds of 10 squats.

  • REST INTERVAL: refers to how much time you’re going to rest betweens sets of exercise.

Example: I’m doing squats, 3 sets of 10 reps with a 2 minute rest interval.

Meaning: I doing 3 rounds of 10 squats, with 2 minutes in between rounds.

  • VOLUME: refers to the total amount of work you do in a particular workout or across a group of workouts. The simplest way to figure out volume is to add up the total number of sets you do in a workout
  • SUPERSET: refers to combining a two more exercises back to back (usually with as little break between as possible) before starting the next set.

Example: I’m doing a superset of squats and bench presses.


                 I’m supersetting squats and bench presses.

Meaning: I going from squats to bench press with no break.

  • STRENGTH: refers to the amount of weight you can lift/move in an exercise
  • REP MAX: refers to the absolute most weight you can lift/move in an exercise for the specified number of reps.

Example: My strength has gone up. My squat 1 rep max has gone from 200lbs to 250lbs in 6 weeks.

Meaning: I’ve gotten stronger. 6 weeks ago, the most weight I could squat 1 time was 200lbs. Now it’s 250lbs.

  • HOW MANY SETS DO YOU HAVE LEFT?: how many sets do you have left?

Meaning: how much longer do you think you'll be using this?

  • CAN I WORK IN WITH YOU?: can I use this piece of equipment in between your sets?

This is only the beginning of a list that could go on and on and on. This is enough to get you started having strong gym conversations (see what I did there?). Check this blog I wrote for some tips on gym etiquette and you'll be able to talk the talk and walk the walk.