The Best Diet?

At this point it’s widely accepted that a training program is only as good as the food choices that go with it. Also, at this point it’s widely accepted that nutrition is one of the most confusing topics this side of quantum physics. Vegan? Paleo? Organic? Ketogenic? IIFMM? (That last one is a real thing, it stands for If It Fits My Macros; natural follow up, what are my macros). I haven’t even mentioned Atkins, Mediterranean or South Beach. People ask me about these things all the time. My response is you should definitely go to the Mediterranean and/or South Beach they’re both beautiful. (I’ll be here all week, be sure to tip your waitress and bartender). Seriously, which one of these diets should you follow?

The answer is the one that YOU can follow everyday for the rest of your life. Two things about this answer. First, “you” is emphasized. You have to figure out what works for you. Got moral objections to eating meat? Paleo probably isn’t going to work for you. Your body will react differently to the things you put in it. You need to know these differences and make food choices based off that knowledge.

The second thing is the follow everyday for the rest of your life part. Here’s the thing, if your diet has a name you’re probably not going to follow it everyday; especially not for the rest of your life. (Barring a complete lifestyle change, ie going vegetarian/vegan and even then the odds are stacked against you.) Think of all the diets you’ve tried. They’ve all had names and they’ve all come to an end. This is not to say they didn’t work while you were doing them. The problem with most diets isn’t that they don’t work, the problem is that they can’t be sustained.




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