2017 Reading List, 2018 Goals

Here's a pic of the books that I've read over the course of the year. Usually a common thread jumps out immediately. The common thread usually represents whatever I deem to be the most pressing thing I need/want to learn for that particular year. In the past that thread has been things like coaching techniques, the psychology of behavior change and exercise techniques.

This year was a bit of a mixed bag for me. I'm not really sure why. Topics included this year are social issues (can't really avoid those these days), psychology (always a mainstay), stress and it's affects on the body, various business topics and personal finance.

Looking back at the list, it represents what 2017 has been about for me. This year has been all about learning how to run a business and the stress that goes with it.

The picture doesn't include all the reading from yearlong Precision Nutrition level 2 certification that I finished back in May. (It also doesn't include the 100's of times I've read Horton Hears a Who and other children's books.) The course was about coaching more than nutrition and it probably had the biggest affect on any and everything I've done this year.

I write this not to (only) pat myself on the back but also as a way to identify what I need/want to focus on in 2018. Some things I'll be focusing on:

  • Exercise Technique/Programming: this is the heart of what I do and if I don't keep  getting better at this, then the rest doesn't matter.
  • Business Growth/Marketing: I've made it through a full year, I want to make it through at least a bunch more
  • Personal Finance: if things go well all the business reading will produce more income, this is about learning how to best use that hard earned income

Looking ahead these are the major topics I'm going to be diving into in 2018. What will you be diving into?


PS: If you have any book suggestions for me just let me know. Thanks in advance.