47 Days to Go

I've been on a kick about taking responsibility pretty much all of this month. So when I saw the this picture yesterday, I knew I was going to steal it. The only question was if I was going to try to pawn it off on you as my own original thought. 

I decided against that. This is just too simple (even as much as I love simplicity) and too smart for me to have come up with. 


Now to be honest I didn't count the days until the new year (also today is the 15th so adjust accordingly) to verify but if that's what you're worried about, then you're missing the point. 

The point is stop putting off for later what you could be doing now. The point is also stop sweating small stuff (11 out of 147 is ~7.5%). 

Also the point is isn't that you shouldn't enjoy the holiday season. It's the exact opposite; have fun, enjoy your family and friends. Just don't let 10 meals be the excuse for having another 140 bad ones. 

Happy Friday everyone.