Here we are a week into December. The year and the decade are both pretty much over. That being said I still hear a lot of the same crazy stuff when it comes to health and fitness.
So as you prepare to make 2020 your healthiest and fittest (btw you should already be preparing for next year; none of this waiting for New Year's) I wanted to help out. Below are 4 things you must stop saying/doing if you want to be successful.
Food is neither good nor bad- unless you're talking about taste. When it comes to quality food is just food. Food provides calories and if you eat too much of any food you will gain weight. So let's stop saying *insert whatever vilified food* is bad. Enjoy whatever food you eat. If it's off whatever plan you're on, accept that you enjoyed it and move on.
Group classes are cardio classes- I know you do squats and push ups and other strength exercises but you need to understand you are just doing cardio. I'm not saying this is a bad thing; I just want you to know what you're actually doing. If the class involves you moving/doing exercises for more than 80%, you do 15-20 reps of every exercise and it doesn't have a weight heavier than 20lbs to be seen then it's just cardio.
Lifting weights won't make you bulky- I can't believe I still have to say this. Eating too much will make you bulky. Lifting weights will make you lean and strong and actually give you the body you think you're going to get by going to all of those cardio classes.
Netflix binging- and staying up late in general (not to single out Netflix). I personally need to work on this one. Getting enough sleep is easily one of the simplest things (remember simple≠easy) you can do to assure that you get results. Cool thing is it really doesn't matter what results you're after either, go to bed.
I hope this helps. As I said before success in 2020 starts now. If you wait until Jan 1st you'll be behind. Set yourself up to to have momentum going into the new year instead of trying to create once it starts.