You Know What To Do--Are You Doing It?

I'm going to start this post with a couple of short stories. 

Here's the first one. I'm reading the book Profit First right now. If you're not familiar the book details a system for entrepreneurs & businesses to take profit first before paying other stuff. Get it... Profit First. 

Anyway about a quarter into the book the author introduces this extended metaphor where he compares running your business to getting fit/losing weight. He basically says business expenses act like calories: too many expenses and your business has less profit, just like too many calories and you get fat.

Ok, here's the second story. Last week, one of my clients came in for her first session of the year. She stated, "my goal is to lose 10 pounds." She said it very matter of factly. So much so that my somewhat sarcastic, but serious reply was, "would you like me to help with that?"

Her reply to that question is why I'm writing this. She said, "I'm telling you for accountability. I know what I need to do." I investigated what she thought she needed to do and she was pretty spot on. (She's going to get in extra workouts and track her eating as a means to decrease her calories.)

Last week was the first full week of the year. If you're like most people you probably waited until that first Monday to start acting on all of those resolutions.

I'm also willing to bet that you chose the resolutions that you chose because you had some idea of what you needed to do in order to achieve them.

So when it comes to health and fitness most of us know what we should be doing. So much so that the author of a business book felt comfortable enough comparing business rules to weight loss rules and personal training clients are telling their trainers exactly what they need to do to reach their goals.

So the question is, are you doing what you need to be doing? You've had a week, were you successful? Are you going to be successful this week? The rest of the month? I think you can see where I'm going with this.

If you need help with implementation (which is where I was going, if you didn't catch that) just reply here or send me a message and we can come up with a plan to get you started.