
So here we are in a whole new world. A world in which we are 'social distancing'. Here in NYC public schools are closed until at least April 20th. Bars, restaurants, movie theaters and Broadway are all pretty much shuttered (you can order take out and/or delivery from restaurants). Just about everybody I know is being allowed to work from home.

Gyms are still allowed to be open but many have already voluntarily closed their doors. I can't imagine it will be much longer before all the others are forced to shut it down.

I'm writing this as I'm hiding away in my bedroom while Alli is entertaining/feeding the boys lunch. It's my turn to get some work done while she's in between work calls. 

I don't really have much to say about all of this other than I'm freaking out a little: freaking out for those who still have to go to work but don't have childcare, freaking out for those most susceptible to the virus, and honestly freaking out a little for my sanity. 

In life BV, before virus, I carved out a schedule in which I had a lot of time to myself to get work done and basically be alone. Now we all may be trapped in our 1000 sq ft apartment for up to a month. 

To be clear, we all love each other a lot. "Family love disclaimer" out of the way, this is going to be stressful for all of us. That being said, we're going to make it work. We don't have a choice.

We're going to figure out a 'school schedule' for the boys. We'll take turns 'teaching' and getting our own work done. I'm going to schedule sessions when/where I can. 

We're (our family) going to adapt. We're all (society) going to have to adapt. There is no way around it.

It's going to take planning and sacrifices. Which coincidentally, are two of the things it takes to be successful with any health, fitness and/or nutrition goals. The difference here is the lack of choice. Corona virus is forcing change upon us (for the time being, though I think a lot of these changes will be around long after the virus goes away; that's another post though). 


Ok I feel like I've rambled on for long enough here. I do want to share a couple of things. The first was a post I shared a couple of years ago. It's all about the equipment you need to work out at home. Here it is.

The other is an e-book I put together last September. It's called Unplug! It's full of stress relieving tips that you can use to get through #CoronaQuarantine. You can get it here.