Halloween is a little over a week a way. Which means in two weeks you're going to be lamenting the amount of your kids' candy you've eaten.
Around the same time you're going to think back to the beginning of the year where you made that resolution to lose weight. You might even be motivated to work on that and you might even make it to the gym a couple of times.
Then someone is going to mention Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away. Now you may be like "sh*t, the year is over. I don't have time to reach my goal."
I'm confident you're going to have some variation these events happen. This will be my 14th holiday season as a personal trainer and coach. I've heard and had these conversations thousands of times. So trust me.
Including this week, there are 10.5 weeks left in the year. If weight loss is your goal, at a conservative pace of 1lb/week, you could lose over 10 pounds.
All you need is the desire to achieve the goal, motivation to do the work (I'm willing to bet it's not as much work as you think) to achieve the goal and a plan to reach the goal.
Now I can't help with with the first two. You've got to figure out how important the goal is to you and how motivated you are to achieve it. (Hint, hint: if the goal isn't that important, you're probably not going to be that motivated.)
Where I can help is with the plan. I want to help you. Yes you specifically. So if you're ready and want to take advantage of these last 10 weeks of the year let me know.
We can schedule a 15 minute phone call to come up with your success plan. During the call we'll figure out the action steps you can/should start taking to reach your goal.
Again all you have to do is reply to this email and I'll reach out to schedule a call.