Over the past few days I've conversations with a few different people. These conversations were completely unrelated.
The thing these conversations did share however was the fact that I had to dispel various myths.
I don't mind dispelling myths when I need to but if I'm always dispelling myths I'm never talking about things that matter and actually work.
So here's 5 of the myths I hear most often. Here's my response to them. Tell your friends, spread the word near and far so that I don't have keep saying the same thing over and over.
Carbs are not bad. Protein is not bad. Fat is not bad. There are not-so-great versions of all of these but in themselves THEY ARE NOT BAD!!! Stop demonizing food.
If weight management (whether you want to gain, lose or maintain) is your main goal, then calories are all that matter. Where the calories come from doesn't make a difference. Total calories are all that matter.
Skinny≠healthy. Overweight≠unhealthy (necessarily). Weight doesn't tell us anything about health. Doctors and lab tests tell us about health. So you should have a doctor.
All diets work. All workout programs work. The one that will work best for you is the one that you can/will do each and every day for the longest period of time. Consistency is key.
You're always going to be busy. There isn't going to be a right time. There probably isn't even going to be a better time. The sooner realize this the better. Get started now.